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Happy Easter!!...one week later馃槄

I know we´ve finished our Easter holidays and we are back to school four days ago, but we´ve been very busy and I didn´t want to start the weekend without mentioning it.
It´s one of my favourite holidays because both, children and adults at home celebrate it with an Easter race, an egg run, Easter hunt or sack race... Anything is an excuse to meet and party together. If you don´t know how English people celebrate Easter, here  you have more information. 
This year it couldn´t be but start thinking on how we can celebrate next course!

Happy easter!!
        The Base Warehouse | Party Supplies and Homewares Store Things to do on Easter weekend 2020 in London - Special Event ... Easter in the UK Easter at Whitehall... - Whitehall Resources Office Photo | Glassdoor Biennial Report for 2002-2003: Putting Children First : NYC Parks

School at home again...

Hi everyone,
We´ll be working at home for some more weeks. From 30th  March , all your homework will be sent throught Google Classroom but this week, being the first, it will be indicated on this blog too.

English 1潞ESO
English 2潞ESO
English 3潞ESO
English 4潞ESO

Hope everyone is OK . Miss you a lot!

Kahoot Challenge!

Are you ready for your new challenge?
From Monday you´ll have the opportunity to show your skills and challenge your friends.
Who will be the winner? Keep an eye on the web to get your passwords!
Remember  all the information is on DESAFIO.
Good luck!

St. Patrick’s Day activity if you feel bored at home!

Today , Irish people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. How much do you know about it? Here you have some links to celebrate the day. Have fun!

Arts and crafts if you live with little kids and want to get them entertained: https://www.alittlecraftinyourday.comhttps://www.diyncrafts.com/23562/home/parenting/45-fantastically-fun-st-patricks-day-crafts-kids

A video about St Patricks Festival last year:

Activity about traditions if you want to learn a little bit about how irish people celebrate this day:

Work from 16th to 29th March

Hi everyone!

Unluckily and as you all know, we´ll have to work at home for two weeks and hopefully, we´ll be able to stop the spreading of coronavirus or, at least, reduce it ... Thank you so much, dear students, for your contribution and help. You are awesome!
Meanwhile, here you have the material to prepare your exams. You must download it to see the entire documents, since the preview shows you only part of it. Don´t hesitate to contact me if you have any question or need further information. Remember, my e-mail is englishsantacristina@gmail.com.

Take care of you and yours and we´ll meet at school very soon. 馃槝


English 1潞 ESO
English 2潞 ESO
English 3潞 ESO
English 4潞 ESO

1.En cada materia hay cinco documentos y los dos audios que necesit谩is para los dos ejercicios de comprensi贸n oral. Dado que los cuatro cursos tendr铆amos cinco sesiones de ingl茅s, deber谩 hacerse una ficha por sesi贸n . No obstante, vuestras tutoras ya os lo ir谩n indicando diariamente, con el resto de tareas que ten茅is que hacer.
2.Recordad que hay que descargarlo porque la previsualizaci贸n no muestra el documento completo. Pod茅is imprimirlo y responder  en la ficha o escribirlo directamente en vuestras libretas. Es decisi贸n vuestra, lo que os sea m谩s pr谩ctico para estudiar y repasar contenidos.
3.Las respuestas se os facilitar谩n a la vuelta , una vez revisado que se hayan realizado correctamente. No obstante, si ten茅is dudas de cualquier tipo, os recuerdo que pod茅is escribirme a mi e-mail englishsantacristina@gmail.com

The end of the first term

Hi everyone!!
We are reaching the end of the term and some of you must practice a little bit more to come back with energy and pass your exams. I´m sure you can! As promised, here you have the audios to practice your listenings. Remember to save time to enjoy the family and take some rest . 
Merry Christmas!!


Educaci贸n convoca 1125 prazas de estad铆as en ingl茅s, a English Week, para alumnado de Primaria e ESO

Good afternoon,

Para todos aquellos a los que os interese, adjunto a continuaci贸n los links para solicitar una beca de inmersi贸n ling眉铆stica en ingl茅s para el pr贸ximo curso acad茅mico (Octubre-Diciembre 2018). Animo a todos aquellos que cumplais los requisitos a anotaros pues es totalmente gratuito para quien le concedan la beca, ser谩 una experiencia maravillosa y est谩is cerquita de casa.
¡¡¡Teneis hasta el 2 de Julio para solicitarla!!!

Good luck! :)



Here they are!!! Your long-awaited MUSICAL.LYs!!!

Dear all,

We are happy to share with you all the musical videos made by some of your school mates. Congratulations to all of them for doing them so well and for their well-deserved extra points for this 2nd term!!!! If you are one of them, feel proud of it ! ☺馃憦

Ingl茅s online TVE - Vaughan

Dear all,

Every morning at 7.30 (Monday to Friday) there is a 30 min. video to improve your English on TVE2.I reccomend you to watch it whenever you can!!!
You can also track the latest episodes in the following link: INGL脡S ONLINE TVE



3rd ESO Speaking test: 2nd term

Dear 3rd ESO students,

Please find enclosed the audio for you to practise your next oral exam.
Listen and repeat at home as many times as you need and REMEMBER: the more you practice pronunciation and intonation the better your speaking mark will be!
You only need to practise your part of the dialogue: A or B.
Follow your notebook for the transcript.
Good luck and enjoy practising!

1st ESO Speaking test : 2nd term

Dear 1st ESO students,

Please find enclosed the audio for you to practise your next oral exam.
Listen and repeat at home as many times as you need and REMEMBER: the more you practice pronunciation and intonation the better your speaking mark will be!
You only need to practise your part of the dialogue: A or B.
Follow your notebook for the transcript.
Good luck and enjoy practising!

4th ESO Speaking test: 2nd term

Dear 4th ESO students,

Please find enclosed the audio for you to practise your next oral exam.
Listen and repeat at home as many times as you need and REMEMBER: the more you practice pronunciation and intonation the better your speaking mark will be!
You only need to practise your part of the dialogue: A or B.
Follow your notebook for the transcript.
Good luck and enjoy practising!

2nd ESO Speaking test: 2nd term

Dear 2nd ESO students,

Please find enclosed the audio for you to practise your next oral exam.
Listen and repeat at home as many times as you need and REMEMBER: the more you practice pronunciation and intonation the better your speaking mark will be!
You only need to practise your part of the dialogue: A or B.
Follow your notebook for the transcript.
Good luck and enjoy practising!

Spelling Bee Contest 2018

Congratulations to our 3rd ESO contestants, Andrea and Miriam! 馃槉

You are all welcome to attend the contest on 16th March and support them.

May all your dreams come true ...

See you next year 馃槈

1st ESO => Cooperative group work

Hi everyone!
We would like to share some pics of our 1st ESO students with their group projects about their fantasy homes. Congratulations to all of them for their excellent cooperation within their assigned groups!!!

Ejercicios interactivos clasificados por temas

Dear All,
Please click in the link below if you want to practice for your English exams.

You can find activities to practice the following aspects:


1A. Art铆culo indeterminado. Indefinite article
15C. Preposiciones de tiempo: FOR, SINCE
28. Exclamaciones. Exclamations
1B. Art铆culo determinado. Definite article
15D. LIKE and AS
29. Pret茅rito perfecto. Present perfect tense
2. TO BE, presente simple
15E. Preposiciones de lugar: IN, AT
30. Pret茅rito perfecto continuo. Present perfect continuous
15F. Verb + preposition
31. Pret茅rito pluscuamperfecto. Past perfect
15G. Frases idiom谩ticas con preposiciones
32. MUST
16. Nombres contables e incontables. (Un)countable  nouns
33. Oraciones condicionales. Conditional clauses
6. Pronombres personales. Personal pronouns
17. Past tense
34. La voz pasiva. The passive voice
7. Presente continuo. Present continuous tense
18. Verbos auxiliares modales. Modal auxiliaries
35. Pronombres relativos. Relative pronouns
8. Plural del sustantivo. The plural of nouns
19. Respuestas cortas. Short answers
36. Estilo indirecto. Reported speech
9. Presente simple. Simple present tense
20. Preguntas coletilla. Question tags
37. El infinitivo. The infinitive
10. Imperativo. Imperative
21. Posici贸n del adverbio. Adverb position
38. –ING form or Infinitive
11. Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos. Demonstratives
22. WILL
39. Verbos frasales. Phrasal verbs
12. WH-questions
40. Oraciones temporales. Time clauses
13. Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos. Possessives
24. La comparaci贸n. The comparison
41. Oraciones finales. Purpose clauses
14. Genitivo saj贸n. The genitive
25. Pasado continuo. Past continuous tense
42. Oraciones causales. Clauses of reason or cause
15A. PREPOSICIONES de tiempo: AT, ON, IN
26. Pronombres reflexivos y enf谩ticos. –SELF pronouns
43. Oraciones consecutivas. Clauses of result
15B. Preposiciones de tiempo: FOR, DURING
27. Pronombre rec铆procos. Reciprocal pronouns
44. Oraciones concesivas. Clauses of concession


Good morning,

I enclose her below a list of webpages in order to practise and improve your listening abilities.

I hope you find it useful.




Dear all,

You will find here enclosed some expressions useful for preparing your oral presentation.

Good luck to everyone!


A good online English dictionary

Dear students,

Please DO NOT use Google translator for translating Spanish words to English or viceversa.
Always use WORDREFERENCE (link below) and remember to check all the possible translations as there are a lot of polysemic words in English.

Improve your LISTENING skill

Dear all,
I inform you that you can improve your listening ability in English by listening to Vaughan Radio (on your mp3/radio player everywhere, on the internet ...).
It is on 91.8 FM and it works 24h/day, every day of the week. The more you listen, the more you will improve your listening skill and English grammar aspects.
I let you the link here below.
Enjoy your listening!☺


4th ESO => Getting Started (SB - Page 6)

Good morning!

Please find enclosed page 6 of the student's book so that you can do your homework.

P.S: Page 5 is in the previous upload, here below.

(Suggestion: Guardar como ...> Abrir y ampliar)



4th ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)

Dear 4th ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.