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A good online English dictionary

Dear students,

Please DO NOT use Google translator for translating Spanish words to English or viceversa.
Always use WORDREFERENCE (link below) and remember to check all the possible translations as there are a lot of polysemic words in English.

Improve your LISTENING skill

Dear all,
I inform you that you can improve your listening ability in English by listening to Vaughan Radio (on your mp3/radio player everywhere, on the internet ...).
It is on 91.8 FM and it works 24h/day, every day of the week. The more you listen, the more you will improve your listening skill and English grammar aspects.
I let you the link here below.
Enjoy your listening!☺


4th ESO => Getting Started (SB - Page 6)

Good morning!

Please find enclosed page 6 of the student's book so that you can do your homework.

P.S: Page 5 is in the previous upload, here below.

(Suggestion: Guardar como ...> Abrir y ampliar)



4th ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)

Dear 4th ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.

3rd ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)

Dear 3rd ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.

2nd ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)

Dear 2nd ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.

1st ESO ==> Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)

Dear 1st ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.