1st ESO => Cooperative group work
Hi everyone!
We would like to share some pics of our 1st ESO students with their group projects about their fantasy homes. Congratulations to all of them for their excellent cooperation within their assigned groups!!!
Summerhill School
Good evening,
Please find the link to the whole film here below.
Enjoy watching it! 馃槉
Ejercicios interactivos clasificados por temas
Dear All,
Please click in the link below if you want to practice for your English exams.
You can find activities to practice the following aspects:
1A. Art铆culo indeterminado. Indefinite article
15C. Preposiciones de tiempo: FOR, SINCE
28. Exclamaciones. Exclamations
1B. Art铆culo determinado. Definite article
15D. LIKE and AS
29. Pret茅rito perfecto. Present perfect tense
2. TO BE, presente simple
15E. Preposiciones de lugar: IN, AT
30. Pret茅rito perfecto continuo. Present perfect continuous
15F. Verb + preposition
31. Pret茅rito pluscuamperfecto. Past perfect
15G. Frases idiom谩ticas con preposiciones
32. MUST
16. Nombres contables e incontables. (Un)countable nouns
33. Oraciones condicionales. Conditional clauses
6. Pronombres personales. Personal pronouns
17. Past tense
34. La voz pasiva. The passive voice
7. Presente continuo. Present continuous tense
18. Verbos auxiliares modales. Modal auxiliaries
35. Pronombres relativos. Relative pronouns
8. Plural del sustantivo. The plural of nouns
19. Respuestas cortas. Short answers
36. Estilo indirecto. Reported speech
9. Presente simple. Simple present tense
20. Preguntas coletilla. Question tags
37. El infinitivo. The infinitive
10. Imperativo. Imperative
21. Posici贸n del adverbio. Adverb position
38. –ING form or Infinitive
11. Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos. Demonstratives
22. WILL
39. Verbos frasales. Phrasal verbs
12. WH-questions
40. Oraciones temporales. Time clauses
13. Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos. Possessives
24. La comparaci贸n. The comparison
41. Oraciones finales. Purpose clauses
14. Genitivo saj贸n. The genitive
25. Pasado continuo. Past continuous tense
42. Oraciones causales. Clauses of reason or cause
15A. PREPOSICIONES de tiempo: AT, ON, IN
26. Pronombres reflexivos y enf谩ticos. –SELF pronouns
43. Oraciones consecutivas. Clauses of result
15B. Preposiciones de tiempo: FOR, DURING
27. Pronombre rec铆procos. Reciprocal pronouns
44. Oraciones concesivas. Clauses of concession
Good morning,
I enclose her below a list of webpages in order to practise and improve your listening abilities.
I hope you find it useful.
Dear all,
You will find here enclosed some expressions useful for preparing your oral presentation.
Good luck to everyone!
A good online English dictionary
Dear students,
Please DO NOT use Google translator for translating Spanish words to English or viceversa.
Always use WORDREFERENCE (link below) and remember to check all the possible translations as there are a lot of polysemic words in English.
Improve your LISTENING skill
Dear all,
I inform you that you can improve your listening ability in English by listening to Vaughan Radio (on your mp3/radio player everywhere, on the internet ...).
It is on 91.8 FM and it works 24h/day, every day of the week. The more you listen, the more you will improve your listening skill and English grammar aspects.
I let you the link here below.
Enjoy your listening!☺
4th ESO => Getting Started (SB - Page 6)
Good morning!
Please find enclosed page 6 of the student's book so that you can do your homework.
P.S: Page 5 is in the previous upload, here below.
(Suggestion: Guardar como ...> Abrir y ampliar)
4th ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)
Dear 4th ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.
3rd ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)
Dear 3rd ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.
2nd ESO => Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)
Dear 2nd ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.
1st ESO ==> Getting Started (SB + WB - Pages 4 and 5)
Dear 1st ESO students,
Please find enclosed the starter unit of the books so that you can work at home.
You will find here below both the student's book and the workbook.
News from our Turkish friends
We just got mail from our Turkish friends! In this last letter, they tell us about the festivals they celebrate in their country. Now we are going to tell them about ours too!
Vigo en ingl茅s 2017
Xa sa铆ron as listas provisionais da convocatoria deste ano. Noraboa aos seleccionados!
Consultade aqu矛.
Spelling Bee contest
Here is a picture of Diego and Nerea, our school winners, with their medals right before participating in the grand final. Well done, guys!!
News from our Italian partners and their festival
Our Italian friends from Laterina have sent us this wonderful video about the Cribs Festival. We are working together on the eTwinning project Getting to Know our Celebrations.
Axudas para a realizaci贸n de actividades de formaci贸n en linguas estranxeiras no ano 2017
Convocadas as axudas para a realizaci贸n de actividades de formaci贸n en linguas estranxeiras no ano 2017, destinadas ao alumnado dos centros docentes sostidos con fondos p煤blicos, en r茅xime de concorrencia competitiva.
- O prazo para a presentaci贸n de solicitudes ser谩 do 28 de febreiro ata o 27 de marzo (inclu铆do).
Para m谩is informaci贸n, prema aqu铆.
Vigo en ingl茅s 2017
Para o alumnado de 3潞 ESO
Convocatoria Vigo en ingl茅s 2017
Prazo de presentaci贸n de solicitudes: ata o 15 de marzo.
Convocatoria Vigo en ingl茅s 2017
Prazo de presentaci贸n de solicitudes: ata o 15 de marzo.
Mail from Turkey!
Snail mail was never so slow.... but we finally got the letters from Turkey!
1ESO students are participating in an eTwinning project called Penpals across Europe and we have just received letters from the town of Batman, in Turkey! We are really excited!
1ESO students are participating in an eTwinning project called Penpals across Europe and we have just received letters from the town of Batman, in Turkey! We are really excited!
Spelling Bee Contest
Here is a picture of our two 3ESO class winners. Congratulations Diego and Nerea!!
They have been practising a lot for the contest and will continue to do so until the big day, 10th March. Way to go!
They have been practising a lot for the contest and will continue to do so until the big day, 10th March. Way to go!
Riddle of the week
Every week, there will be a different riddle for students to guess. Who will be the first student in each class to get it right?
This week's riddle is: What has two hands but no arms?
Spelling Bee contest
Congratulations to the two winners from the 3ESO class round!!
They are getting ready for the big day!
They are getting ready for the big day!

Samhain (eTwinning project: Getting to Know our Celebrations)
During the first term, 2潞ESO students worked on our eTwinning project: Getting to Know our Celebrations. They decided to make a video about Samhain. This is the result, hope you all enjoy it!
eTwinning project: Getting to Know our Celebrations
This school year, we have made a new eTwinning project with our Italian partner school: Istituto Comprensivo "F. Mochi". Throughout the course, we will learn from typical celebrations of our friends from Italy and we will also share ours. The project is still open for other schools to join us!
This is the project info on the eTwinning page:
Discover what other students celebrate all around Europe. Create presentations, show videos, use your imagination! This project is aimed at students aged 12-16. They will create their own material and exchange it through twinspace. We can also arrange videoconferences so that the students get to know each other.
This is the project info on the eTwinning page:
Discover what other students celebrate all around Europe. Create presentations, show videos, use your imagination! This project is aimed at students aged 12-16. They will create their own material and exchange it through twinspace. We can also arrange videoconferences so that the students get to know each other.
Practising prepositions and... our drawing skills :P
One of the things 1ESO students have learnt and practised this term is prepositions. We made some drawings and are very proud of them. 馃槉
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